General Inclusive- novice to experienced
- A Field Guide to Honey Bees and their Maladies, (2015). Penn State University, Extension.
- Beekeeper’s Handbook, Fifth Edition. (2021). Diana Sammataro and Alphonse Avitable.
Forward by Dewey M. Caron. Comstock Publishing. - Beekeeping for Dummies, 5th Edition. (2020). Howland Blackister. Wiley and sons.
- Honey Bee Biology and Beekeeping with Lawrence John Connor, Third Edition (2022). Wicwas Press.
- The ABC and XYZ of Bee Culture, 42nd edition, 1st printing. (2020). Original work by Amos Ives Root, edited by K. Delaplane, James Tew, Jennifer Berry, Clarence Collison, Ann Harman, Kim Flotum. A.I. Root Publishing.
- The Hive and the Honey Bee. (2015). Dadant and Sons, Edited by Joe M. Graham.
- Backyard Beekeeper, Fifth Edition. (2024). Kim Flottum. Quarry Books. (Available online)
Specialty Books
- Keeping Bees Alive Sustainable Beekeeping Essentials, (2019). By Lawrence John Connor. Wicwas Press.
- Feed the Bees (2016). The Xerces Society.
- Following the Wild Bees (2016). Thomas D. Seeley. Princeton University Press.
- Honeybee Democracy (2010). Thomas D. Seeley. Princeton University Press.
- The Lives of Bees (2019). Thomas D. Seeley. Princeton University Press.
- The Anatomy of the Honey Bee (1910). R. E. Snodgrass.
- Honey Bee Drones Specialists In The Field (2020) Graham Kingham. Northern Bee Books.
- Increase Essentials, Second Edition (2014). Lawrence John Connor, Foreword by Kim Flotum. Wicwas Press.
- Queen Rearing Essentials, Second Edition (2019) Lawrence John Connor. Wicwas Press.
- Queen Spotting (2019) Hilary Kearney. Storey Publishing.
- Swarm Essentials (2014) Stephen J. Repasky with Lawrence John Connor Foreword by Thomas D. Seeley. Wicwas Press.
- Swarming Its Control and Prevention (1935). L.E. Snelgrove. Northern Bee Books.
- What do You Know? (2003). Clarence H. Collison. A.I. Root Company. (available onlikne)