Dues are $25, paid yearly, and entitle members and their families access to monthly meetings, apiary clinics, use of club equipment, and special events. Additional fees may be required for special classes if costs dictate. Your information will not be sold or distributed to anyone, including club members, without your express, written consent. JCBA membership includes one individual membership to the Colorado State Beekeepers Association (CSBA). Additional memberships to CSBA are $7 per year per person.
Beginning in October, all dues paid are for the following year.
To participate in the extraction day event in September, dues must be paid on or before the August meeting.
If you’re a NEW member, please download and fill out the “Membership Application” form. If you’re current member, fill out the “Renewal” form.
Membership Application
Renewal Form
Enroll in person at our next meeting or send a completed membership application form with dues attached to: Secretary2@jeffcobeekeepers.org