Welcome to the
Jefferson County, Colorado

JCBA 2024 Event Calendar

Event topics listed are tentative and subject to change. Clinic start times change seasonally and are subject to the weather forecast. Members will be notified by email of the start time of outdoor clinics or if an outdoor clinic is rescheduled due to poor weather.

Month Meetings/Topic Clinics and Events
January 14th - Welcome and Business Meeting
Hive Types Show and Tell, round table group discussion
20th - Apiary Day
February 11th - New Keeper Q&A at 12:00
Beekeeping Calendar, Honeybee Nutrition and Preparing for Your First Hive
17th - Apiary Day
March 10th - Swarm Control and Splits with Bryan Zavada, Advisor CSBA 16th - Apiary Day
April 14th - What's New With Varroa
12:00 Intro to Varroa for New Keepers
20th - Apiary Day
27th - Lakewood Earth Day Event
May 12th - Bats are pollinators too! Rick Adams, Colorado Bat Society 18th - Apiary Day - Garden Cleanup TBD
June 9th - Bumblebees with Dr John Mola, CSU 15th - Apiary Day and possible Roadshow
July 14th - Native Plants and Xeriscaping Eryn Joy Murphy of Restorative Landscape Design 20th - Apiary Day
August 11th - Preparing for Honey Harvest 17th - Apiary Day
September 8th - Honey harvesting at Jeffco Fairgrounds 21st - Apiary Day
October 13th - Winterizing and Winter Feeding 19th - Apiary Day
November 2nd - CSBA Winter Meeting
10th - Products From the Hive Crafting and Elections
16th - Apiary Day
December No meeting TBD - Weather dependant